At the age of 82, his vision gets blur, hearing gets worse, knees gets weak.
In lieu of the multiplying weaknesses, he was forced to scarify a lot of good things in his life. He gave up driving resulting inflexibility of getting around freely. He surrendered his responsibilities, he needless worry on marketing, household errant, bills, shopping and etc.
Besides, he had less accessibility to mend his own plantation, the place that he had worked for decades, money earned from the crops was to provide better shelter for the family, children education and now income for his retirement. He ought to trust his workers on the harvesting result & profit made. There were no way his children able to run the plantation business for him, as the kids had their own dream and business.
The only thing that he enjoys during boredom was to puff a few sticks to bring back the old memory that he vividly remember, but the whooping cough forces the doctor to put a stop on his medical report.
To get around, he needed 2 walking sticks to support his body, his knees are no longer able to support the body weight, and wheel chair was in used for longer journey.
He draws public attention where ever he had been, he just felt frustrated being looked on as handicap, he had a simple wish, a small wish to walk tall on his own without the 2 useless walking sticks. He once dreamt of his old buddy pushing bicycle, his buddy told him that bicycle replaced the walking sticks, this has triggered and sparkle his hope, he ‘summon’ his wife to assist and prevent him from falling while he do the pushing around in the house, it was not easy but he willing to give it a try. He just hopes that he can be able to manage it and who knows, he maybe able to ride on the bicycle when he get familiarise with the bicycle.
His wife burst his bubble dream by telling him that he will only able to ride on the bicycle in next life when he reborn again.
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It's life
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